What’s The Best Sewing Machine For Kids?

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SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...

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Has your child shown an interest in dressmaking or crafts? I’m guessing that something along those lines has brought you to an article titled “Best Sewing Machine For Kids”!

Whether you’re a sewist yourself or have no idea about the craft in question, this article will get your little one up and running with a great child-friendly sewing machine – one that’s not only enjoyable to use, but also challenging enough to keep them interested for years to come.

Are there different types of sewing machines for kids?

Yes…and no.

There are different types of children’s sewing machines on the market, but some are more like toys than proper tools your kid can actually learn to sew on. While toy sewing machines certainly have a place, especially for toddlers, that’s not what we’re going to be looking at here today.

So, in terms of actual sewing machines for kids, are there any differences? Well, yes there are, but most of these are pretty superficial and more to do with marketing than mechanics. 

Although you’ll find lots of cutely colored or character emblazoned sewing machines for kids in store and online, if they’re worth their salt the way they work will be pretty much the same as their grown up counterparts.

In fact, all of the kid’s machines I’ve reviewed here are perfectly suitable for adults, too. 

Why buy a children’s sewing machine?

young girl with her sewing machine

So, after the above sentence, you may be wondering why you should buy a children’s sewing machine at all…and it’s a fair point!

If you’re comfortable with your child using your sewing machine, then that could well be the best option. Kids are way more capable than we give them credit for sometimes and, providing you’re there to guide and supervise, most children will be able to handle their parents devices…and sometimes embarrass them with their innate skills, too!

On the other hand, you may want to give your child a little independence. Buying them their own device will afford them this and allow you to sew together, side by side. How lovely is that! 

This is also a great way to learn, as you can show your little one what to do while they are hands-on themselves. Not only that, teaching in this way can sharpen your own sewing skills in the process, as it forces you out of autopilot and back into the thought process behind every stitch. 

Honestly, you’ll be surprised at what you can learn whilst teaching something you’ve been doing for years!

Now, to the most obvious reason…you may not have any type of sewing tool in the house for your child to use. If you’re not a sewer yourself, why would you? In this instance, if you want your kid to learn to sew, buying them a decent child-friendly sewing machine to practice on is your best option.

Regardless of why you’d need to buy a children’s sewing machine, I’m going to reiterate what I said above – avoid anything that isn’t a proper sewing machine that could also be used by an adult. 

This may sound counterintuitive, but trust me on this one – buying a toy sewing machine or a sub-standard device marketed at kids will be a waste of your money and will likely result in your little boy or girl losing interest in sewing…fast!

Benefits of learning to sew while you’re young

girl sewing dolls dresses

For starters, it’s widely considered true that learning anything is easier when you’re younger. Obviously, there’s a limit to just how young (which I address below), but, in general, kids just seem to be able to pick things up without too much trouble…providing they’re sufficiently interested, of course! [1]

When it comes to sewing specifically, there’s obviously no age limit to learning. However, by teaching your child to sew from an early age, you are equipping them with a skill and a hobby that could be enjoyed for the rest of their lives, which is obviously very cool indeed.

The best part about teaching your child to sew, though, is that fostering of creativity. Similar to art, learning to sew is a great way to improve your child’s development in areas you might not ordinarily think possible, such as sociability and emotional intelligence. It’ll also help them become better at problem solving and heighten their fine motor skills, too. [2]

Sewing in itself may not exactly be considered a “life skill”, but knowing how to sew can certainly improve those everyday skills along the way. Couple that with the fact that creating anything is just plain fun, and you have some pretty solid reasons why sewing makes sense for any child.

Finally, by learning how to do the basics at a young age, your child will also obtain a better “feel” for the art of sewing and, who knows, could even make a career out of the craft in one way or another.

Now, wouldn’t that be something!

When can a child learn to sew? 

mother and baby at a sewing machine

Obviously, this is going to differ from child to child, so you should cast an eye of suspicion over any article that says your child should being their sewing journey at, say, 5 years, 9 months, and 36 days!

No, we’re all different and, as a parent, you’ll know your child’s capabilities better than anyone, so trust your gut. Do you feel they are ready? If you do, there’s nothing to stop you from starting those lessons!

The main thing to look out for is them showing an interest. Use this as your guide and ignore those who put a hard and fast age on it.

Are sewing machines safe for complete beginners?

Speedily moving parts and extremely sharp objects don’t sound very safe, and they’re most definitely not if you misuse them. However, can kids use sewing machines safely? Absolutely!

The key here is an obvious one: supervision.

If you’re there to teach and guide your boy or girl along their sewing journey, ensuring those wonderfully delicate little fingers don’t get too close to anything they shouldn’t, your child will be absolutely fine.

We’ll go into features more below, but one that will help give you peace of mind and allow your child to learn more safely is speed control. Kid friendly sewing machines with speed control allow you to slow things right down, thus lessening the chances of accidents and the machine running away with them. 

In fact, speed control is a key consideration when buying any beginner sewing machine, whether they’re six years old or 60! It’s just unfortunate that the number of affordable devices with this feature are so few. In the grand scheme of things, though, most of us learnt how to sew without this feature, so it’s not a huge deal, but it’s one of those things that you miss once you’ve had it. 

Other safety tips you can include in your sewing sessions are simple things like creating your own “no finger zone” on the machine. Get yourself some brightly colored tape and make a square around the danger area, i.e. the bobbin case and throat plate. Teach your child that, under no circumstances, must their fingers stray into this box and your little ones delicate digits will remain safe from harm.

Another habit worth instilling into them is to always thread the machine while it is off. Naturally, this will interfere with the machine’s sewing light, but I’d rather buy a desk lamp than risk an accidental press of the pedal by a tiny wayward foot whilst trying to thread the needle.

What about if I can’t sew?

This is a common question: how on earth do you teach a kid something you haven’t got a clue about yourself?

The answer is…you don’t!

There are numerous ways that your child can learn to sew these days, with online courses and offline classes being the main two options available.

Alternatively, you could try your hand at sewing yourself and learn together as you go. Wouldn’t that be a fantastic way to spend some quality time with your little one? Just don’t get jealous if they’re better than you!

Signing up for a one day sewing course on your own would be a good idea. That way, you’ll have a decent grasp of the basics before you sit down with your child at the machine for the first time.

What to look for in your kid’s first sewing machine

young girl on a sewing machine in class

Now that we’ve got all that stuff out of the way, we’re edging ever closer to my reviews of the best sewing machines for kids…woohoo!

Before we get there, though, it’s important to go over a few features you’ll want to look out for when making your final decision. Not all will be present on every machine, as budget will obviously dictate the amount of gadgetry available. 

However, having an idea of what’s what and why it’s a good idea to have each feature will allow you to make an informed decision on which sewing machine will suit your child best. This is especially true when the adult is as much of a beginner as the child!

Let’s get started and take a look at some great features for a kid’s first sewing machine:

Sliding speed control 

We’ve already touched on this one in the safety section above, as it’s probably the single most important feature to look out for.

Unfortunately, most budget options suitable for kids don’t have the ability to control the speed at which your child sews, which is a real shame, but all is not lost, as there are still some well-priced options to choose from…albeit, not many.

The key difference here will be that those at the lower end of the price spectrum will likely only have two speeds – slow and fast – rather than the three found on the more expensive devices – slow, medium, and fast.

Start / stop button

This generally is the preserve of the pricier appliances, but it can be a boon to those really little ones whose legs aren’t quite long enough to comfortably reach the floor and, therefore, the foot pedal.

Unsurprisingly, the start / stop button starts and stops the machine, but the magic is in the fact that it removes the need for a foot pedal altogether. Most newbies adore this feature, and kids are some of the most ardent advocates of foot-free sewing.

This makes sense, as there’s probably not been many instances where they’ve had to use both feet and hands in conjunction before, unlike some adults who may have learned to drive. 

For most children, combining these two fine motor skills whilst simultaneously concentrating on everything else required to get a nice, even and balanced stitch can be frustrating, so eliminating the problem can be a good idea.

Automatic needle threader

This feature is probably more essential for those coming to sewing late rather than early, as young eyes will probably make needle threading a breeze, but it’s still a nice thing to have.

An automatic needle threader does exactly what one would think it does: threads the needle for you. What may be a little confusing to some is the fact that most automatic needle threaders still need to be operated manually, usually by running the thread over a series of hooks after operating a lever to the side of the shank.

While this may sound like a palaver, it really is a fairly simple process once you get the hang of it, and it can be a huge timesaver for both young and old sewers alike.

Jam-resistant bobbin

Another non-essential-yet-nice-to-have: a jam-resistant bobbin.

Jam-resistant bobbins can be great for youngsters and they’re designed to do the job their name suggests: make your bobbin jam-proof. The main problem with them, however, is that some simply don’t live up to their claims, and a few can actually make matters worse.

In short, no machine is entirely jam-resistant, as user error can also come into play (lack of maintenance and cleaning being a key cause for many jams). If you decide to look for a kid’s sewing machine with this feature, be sure to read the reviews carefully before you buy.

Easy to change presser feet

If your child’s new sewing machine ships with a good selection of presser feet (and here’s a hint…it should!), you’ll want to make sure they can be easily changed.

Some machines can be extremely awkward to use in this regard, whereas others simply snap into place and are ready to go. The easier these are to change, the better.

A good stitch library

Kids love to get creative, so a broad stitch library is a great thing to look out for when you’re buying a sewing machine for children. 

They’ll happily load up different color threads and run scrap pieces of fabric through the machine simply to see the end result, and decorative stitches are an ideal way to keep them interested. 

Again, price will play a part here, but you can still get some relatively inexpensive sewing machines suitable for children that ship with enough built-in stitches to keep them happy.

Clear, easy to understand controls

For mechanical machines, think big dials. For those that are computerized, think clear, easy to understand LCD screens. These things are especially important for very young sewers.

Kids generally take to these things better than adults, though, so don’t be too scared if the apparatus you choose looks a little complicated…they’ll probably get it quicker than you do!


We all know it: kids can break anything, giving half a chance. That said, you don’t want to make it easy for them!

Look for an appliance of sturdy construction when buying a children’s sewing machine, preferably one with few exposed levers and switches to tempt inpatient fingers. 


Last but not least, is weight. Obviously, some kids will be able to lift more than others, so to give a definitive figure here is fruitless, but be sure to buy a machine that your child can comfortably carry themselves…even if only for a short distance. Allowing them to carry their own machine will instill a greater sense of pride and really make them feel as though it’s their machine. 

Don’t go too light, though, as featherweight sewing tools have a tendency to rock, wobble, and wiggle whilst sewing, which is something you definitely want to avoid.

What price range Should You Expect?

As with most things in life, there’s a wide price range when it comes to buying a child their first sewing machine. Much will depend on the features, build quality, and whether or not you opt for a mechanical machine or a computerized model.

That being said, the most important thing to remember is to shop within your means. Buying a machine that’s out of your price range will make you miserable and full of regret. Kids aren’t stupid, they can pick up on these emotions, so don’t put them through it.

You can spend a lot of money on a child-friendly sewing machine, but you can also pick one up for under $100, too. 

Best sewing machine for kids: reviews and recommendations

We’re finally here – it’s time to go through our best kid’s sewing machine reviews!

I’ve tried hard to give a balanced variation of sewing machines suitable for children in this list, and it wasn’t easy. Many, if not all, of the devices specifically targeted at young ones are, frankly, rubbish.

They’re either too difficult to operate, don’t work properly, or are cheap, nasty, and overpriced…none of which are very good when buying for your children (or anyone else’s, for that matter!) So, if you’re wondering why I’ve missed out devices covered in cartoon characters, there’s a reason for it. 

What I’ve tried to include here are machines that will be simple enough to use, yet sturdy and with enough features and extras included to keep your child interested in sewing for the long-haul, rather than a passing fad.

Let’s get to it, shall we?

Brother GX37

Brother GX37

Let’s kick things off with a great little starter machine from Brother – the GX37.

Let it be known that this tool is about as basic as it gets, but that’s no bad thing when you’re just starting out. Getting to know the fundamentals first and then progressing onto bigger and better projects can be the best way to begin for some, although that obviously means buying another machine in the not-too-distant future…which is far from ideal.

Thankfully, the Brother GX37 is firmly in the “budget” camp, so if you do need to upgrade you can consider this initial cost more of an investment in learning rather than an expense. Be sure to gift or donate once done, though. No one likes unnecessary landfill!

On the performance side of things, the GX37 does as well as the price would suggest. This is not going to change the world, but if you’re looking for decent child-friendly sewing machine that’s not going to break the bank, you could do worse.

It’s no-nonsense without all the extras you’ll find elsewhere makes it relatively easy to set up and distraction-free, which is something anyone who has tried teaching will tell you is a very good thing! It’s pretty quiet, too, but since when has a child worried about making noise?!

Another plus point for the Brother GX37 is that, at just over 10lbs, it’s pretty lightweight. Surprisingly, given the weight and the price point, it doesn’t feel overly flimsy. Sure, it’s plastic, but find me a machine that isn’t these days. I reckon the GX37 would stand up to a fair amount of wear and tear.

Although this is a basic machine, it does have an impressive stitch library for the money and also ships with a perfectly respectable amount of accessories. The name gives the built-in stitch count away (there are 37 of them) and the bundle includes six additional presser feet – buttonhole, narrow hemmer, zipper, blind stitch, zigzag, and button sewing – as well as an accessory pouch with four bobbins, a seam ripper, needle set, ball point needle, twin needle, cleaning brush, eyelet punch, screwdriver, three spool caps, and an extra spool pin. Pretty good!

The inclusion of an automatic needle threader and the quick set bobbin are definite plus points on a machine that costs so little, although, be warned…the bobbin is not generic, so you’ll need to buy the correct type (Brother SA156) if you want to stock up on spares.

Brother’s GX37 is a fantastic start to this set of reviews, but is it the best sewing machine for kids? Well, we’ve got a few others to look at first!

  • Good budget option
  • Plain design lessens distraction
  • Solid enough, given its lightweight frame
  • Nice range of stitches
  • Decent accessory pack
  • Comes with auto needle threader and quick set bobbin
  • For basic tasks only
  • May need to be upgraded quickly

SINGER Start 1304

Singer Start 1304

Next up is the SINGER Start 1304.

This machine, from arguably the most famous name in the industry, is an excellent little device. Weighing in at just 9.8lbs, it meets our weight criteria admirably and it performs pretty well, too!

The SINGER Start 1304 would make an ideal sewing machine for girls and boys who are just starting out on their sewing journey. It’s easy to set up and just as easy to operate; it’s all really straightforward. Hence the name, I guess!

Some have had issues with the bobbin mechanism of this appliance, but they seem to be firmly in the minority. They report loading difficulties and frequent tangles and jams, but, as I stated in other posts, this could possibly be due to user error as much as problems with the machine itself.

For an entry-level device, the SINGER Start 1304 sews surprisingly well. Stitches flow from the machine and inspection of the seam shows nice even, balanced use of the thread and switching between stitches couldn’t be simpler, thanks to the large dial on the front of the machine.

On the subject of stitches, this is where the 1304 lets itself down a little…there are only six built-in to this particular piece of apparatus. While this will certainly be enough for any kids first sewing machine, it will impact on longevity if your little one falls in love with the craft and wants to get more creative.

The single dial is, however, ingenious, and makes this sewing machine child-friendly. No individual controls for stitch length and width here! All is controlled simply by turning that single disc. Very clever, and the perfect introduction into how different widths and lengths work, without the need to actually set them up yourself.

As well as the general-purpose presser foot, you’ll get two other – a zipper and a buttonhole – which is a little stingy of SINGER but, again, more than enough for a child’s first sewing machine, really. These are very easy to fit, with a simple snap-on design that will prove to be no trouble for youngsters.

No DVD included in the box, but you can access an instructional video online. The other accessories include a darning plate, pack of needles, bobbins, screwdriver for the needle plate, spool pin felt and a seam ripper / lint brush.

The SINGER Start is a very capable machine that will suit the absolute novice nicely enough to be getting on with, even if it does lack many of the features seen on the other appliances listed here.

  • Both setup and operation are simple
  • Lightweight
  • Nice, even stitches
  • Snap-on presser feet are easy to use
  • Bobbin may jam on occasion
  • Stitch library is very limited
  • Only two extra feet supplied
  • Very basic and easily outgrown

Janome Pink Sorbet

Sunglasses on…it’s the Janome Pink Sorbet!

Although this is about as pink as pink can be, whether you are in the market for a sewing machine for girls or boys, Janome has a color scheme for you…including a stunningly vibrant gender neutral middle blue green option that goes by the name of “Arctic Crystal”…fancy! They are all the same underneath the pink, blue, and blue / green casing, however, so let’s see how this funky range from the Japanese sewing giant stacks up against its competitors. 

You’d be forgiven for passing this one over if you were looking for a serious sewing machine, but you’d be mistaken if you did. Despite the garish colorways, these three appliances from Janome are actually really good! There’s not much to complicate things and the quality is great.

Weighing in at 13lb, the Janome Pink Sorbet is a solid piece of kit without feeling overly cumbersome, which is a good combination when you’re buying a sewing machine for kids. There’s very little, if any, movement when sewing, which makes for a much more enjoyable and comfortable experience whilst using the device.

These appliances are actually made with beginners in mind, so set up and operation are a breeze, despite the relatively brief manual. There is an excellent set of videos to accompany these machines, though, and they are well worth having a look at before you start sewing.

An acceptable 15 built-in stitches are available as and when you require them and the accessory pack includes three extra presser feet to go along with the all-purpose one found attached to the machine – zipper, sliding buttonhole, and zig-zag. These are nice and easy to change, with a simple snap-on motion.

Other bits and pieces supplied are all pretty standard – needles, bobbins, darning plate, seam ripper – so don’t expect too much in the way of extras. The lack of goodies shouldn’t put your off, though, as this is a very nice sewing machine for young beginners.

  • Ideal for newbies
  • Good, solid construction
  • Colors will delight children
  • Nice and stable in use
  • Accompanying video tutorials are excellent
  • Accessory pack is quite basic

Brother XM2701

Brother XM2701

The Brother XM2701 has been a popular choice for those new to sewing for a while now, so I thought I’d cover it in this roundup of the best kids sewing machines, too.

This device is seemingly perfect for the newcomer, which in many ways it is – however it’s not flawless. This is a very good machine, but I think there are better sewing machines for kids out there.

The machine ships with six presser feet – buttonhole, button sewing, narrow hemmer, zipper, blind stitch, and zigzag – and has 27 built-in stitches, making it a very respectable library. There are also plenty of other odds and ends in the box, too, with an accessory bag that has needles, bobbins, an extra spool pin, and screwdriver included.

The instructional DVD and user operation manual are both great and will ensure that whoever unpacks it will be up and sewing in under an hour. But, for kids, I’d say leave the XM2701 on the shelf.

My main concern with this particular device is the bobbin. Tangles are not uncommon and the casing can become misaligned, causing the thread to catch and the machine to jam. Patience and a little practice can rectify this, but we’re talking about buying a kid-friendly sewing machine here!

Tension settings, too, can be a little tricky to master, which is something I can envision causing enough problems to make your little one want to drop sewing altogether. 

That being said, the potential for tension and bobbin problems are pretty much the only thing wrong with the Brother XM2701; it genuinely is a good machine. I just don’t think it’s the best sewing machine for boys and girls under 15.

  • Decent stitch library
  • Easy to follow instructions and DVD
  • May be a bit too frustrating for youngsters
  • Tension needs frequent tweaking
  • Bobbin casing is not without issues

SINGER 7258 Stylist


To a personal favorite now, the SINGER 7258 Stylist.

This is our first computerized sewing machine for kids, but it’s a very good gadget for anyone, regardless of age. I’m sure many of you will question the logic behind buying a computerized sewing machine for a child, but to those who are unsure I’ll simply say this…have you seen three year olds with an iPad?

I rest my case.

Naturally, sewing machines are a whole different kettle of fish, but the fact remains – computers do not scare kids, so the addition of a microchip or two to their new sewing tool is not going to faze them.

The SINGER 7258 Stylist is one of the most popular devices on the market, and for good reason. This machine is extremely well built and almost future-proof thanks to the wealth of accessories that come with it. Oh, and there’s the stitch library…

The fact that the 7258 has those natty microchips on board means that the stitch library can be expanded considerably when compared to its mechanical cousins. With 100 (yes, one hundred) different stitch patterns to choose from, even the most creative children will be kept entertained for a good length of time.

Along with the 100 stitch patterns comes an accessory treasure trove, including 10 different presser feet! Straight out of the box you’ll have: a general purpose foot, zipper foot, buttonhole foot, satin stitch foot, blind hem foot, an overcast foot, a darning/embroidery foot, and last but not least, a rolled hem foot, too. That’s a lot of combinations to work with!

The features keep the good times rolling, chief amongst them is the speed control. The SINGER 7258 is the first on our list to have this feature, and it’s one that I would insist on if I were buying a sewing machine for my child. 

Having the ability to control the speed at which the device runs is vitally important, in my opinion, and the 7258’s sliding control does an exceptional job of slowing things right down. It even has a stop / start button to enable your little one to sew pedal-free – another huge plus point, especially for the really tiny tailors and seamstresses in your life.

There’s also a top drop-in bobbin system that allows you to monitor your thread as you go and a built-in needle threader to save time fiddling about. The self-adjusting tension system will also be welcomed, as this can prove painful to get right when first starting out.

So, is it all features and no performance? Nope. The 7258 Stylist sews beautifully, too. For the money, the stitch quality is outstanding and consistent. The gadget is also very easy to use and pleasurable to operate. It’s a fine piece of engineering.

Perhaps the only thing that could be better with the SINGER 7258 is the top speed. At 750 stitches per minute, this is at the lower end of the professional speed range, but as we’re talking about the best sewing machine for kids, this is a negligible downside to what is a very, very good companion to any sewer of any age.

  • Incredible value for money
  • Produces wonderful results
  • Excellent stitch library and accessory pack
  • Will last your child way beyond beginner level
  • Speed control with stop / start feature
  • Reliable
  • Nothing!

Janome 2212

Janome 2212

Back to the mechanical style now with the Janome 2212.

One of the most expensive tools on our list, the Janome 2212 is a good quality machine that may catch the eye when browsing online or in store. The question is, however, how does it compare when it comes to selecting the best sewing machine for youngsters?

Well, it’s undoubtedly a very good piece of kit, but there are a few things about it that would steer me in the direction of other child-friendly sewing machines instead. First, is the price. This is at the upper end of what any parent would want to pay for their child’s first sewing machine and, for that money, you’d probably want a little more.

The main thing missing that would be of benefit to the younger sewer is speed control. Granted, this is an entry-level mechanical sewing machine (and mechanical machines don’t have the sliding speed control feature), but, when you consider that the previous review of the SINGER 7258 is for a computerized machine that costs less, you can see why the Janome 2212 would be losing parent points in this regard.

Then there’s the accessories. This device ships with only three extra presser feet – zig-zag, sliding buttonhole, and a blind hem – and there’s not even a zipper foot amongst them. Other items in the box include the ubiquitous needles, bobbins, and screwdriver, but not a lot else.

Even the stitch library is a little thin. With only 12 built-in stitches, there’s probably not enough creative options included to keep an inquisitive child occupied for too long. While the stitch patterns would suit a beginner adult fairly well, all the children I know like to experiment, so this limited library will likely disappoint.

Don’t misunderstand me here, the 2212 is a great machine but, for what Janome are charging for it, there are far better child-friendly options available out there.

  • Very solid construction
  • Feeds fabric beautifully
  • Balanced stitches every time
  • Manual isn’t the best
  • Quite fast, and there’s no speed control other than the pedal
  • Accessory pack could be better
  • Too few built-in stitches
  • Expensive

Brother Project Runway CS5055PRW

Brother Project Runway CS5055PRW

Many young adults have been introduced to the world of fashion and dressmaking by the hit TV show Project Runway, and the Brother CS5055PRW is out there to capitalize on that.

As I mentioned in my best portable sewing machine roundup, I’m not a massive fan of these tie ins, whether they’re associated with TV shows or celebrities, as they can often disappoint, but that could just be me getting curmudgeonly in my old age.

I’ll let others be the judge of that!

The good news here is that the Brother CS5055PRW doesn’t disappoint; it’s actually a fairly good machine for the money, especially as it’s computerized. The pricing is extremely competitive and you get a decent bang for your buck.

Fifty stitches are built-in and the device ships with seven additional feet – buttonhole, zipper, button sewing, overcasting, blind stitch, monogramming, and zigzag – so there’s plenty to keep your budding fashion designer busy for a while. Other accessories include a screwdriver, three-piece needle set, ball point needle, twin needle, extra spool pin, seam ripper, cleaning brush, and small, medium, and large spool caps.

Performance is good, with an impressive 850 stitches per minute, but there’s no speed control, unfortunately, so this could actually work against the CS5055PRW in the best sewing machine for kids stakes. Stitch quality is reasonable despite the tension being a little bit haphazard.

For the money, this Project Runway affiliated sewing machine has a lot going for it. However, it’s not that much cheaper than the SINGER 7258 Stylist, which, in my opinion, is a far better option.

If you absolutely must have a Project Runway machine and don’t mind paying a little extra, then the Brother XR9550PRW might be the better option as it comes with a few more features – including variable speed control – and a broader stitch library. 

It is, however, limited edition, so who knows when Brother will pull the plug on its existence.

  • Great value for money
  • Nice range of stitches to choose from
  • Accessory pack is good
  • Tension can be a little hit or miss
  • No speed control

SINGER Simple 3232

SINGER Simple 3232

Talking of SINGER, I’ve got another one here for you…the SINGER Simple 3232.

This is another basic machine that is very much in the mold of the Brother GX37 and the SINGER Start 1304 reviewed earlier. As one would expect from a product named “Simple”, the SINGER 3232 is a really easy machine to set up and use.

Perhaps more unexpected is what you get for your money here. The SINGER Simple 3232 is reasonably priced, yet it comes with 32 built-in stitch patterns and features such as an automatic needle threader. The accessory bundle is decent, too, with an edge / quilting guide, seam ripper / lint brush, auxiliary spool pin, pack of needles, bobbins, thread spool caps, darning plate, screwdriver, and soft dust cover all included.

Disappointingly, only three extra presser feet come with this model – button sewing, buttonhole, and zipper – but they are very easy to switch up whenever you need to change them over. There’s also an extra high presser foot lifter, which is handy if your child has their heart set on trying out quilting or working with thicker fabrics occasionally.

The weight is a respectable 12.6lbs, but there is some shudder when using the machine, which isn’t ideal, especially as some lighter machines manage to fare better in this regard. Performance, generally, could be better, with jamming and nesting of thread a real possibility. This shouldn’t be too much of a surprise, given the price, but it’s frustrating, nonetheless.

If you think your child will be a very occasional sewer, but still want to get them their own machine, the SINGER Simple 3232 might be a choice you’d consider. For anyone else, I’d look to spend a little extra to get a more reliable appliance.

  • Affordable
  • Easy to change presser feet
  • Decent enough stitch library
  • For very basic tasks only
  • Can be a bit wobbly
  • Performance isn’t the best

Janome MOD-30

Janome MOD-30

Next up is another computerized option for you, the Janome MOD-30.

As we’ve already seen in this roundup of the best sewing machines for kids, the addition of a microchip or two usually results in a few extra dollars being added to the price as well. The Janome MOD-30 is, unfortunately, no exception.

That being said, it’s still very well priced and those microchips bring a lot to the party, not least of which is the bonus of my favorite child-friendly sewing machine feature: speed control. Operated by the simple slider seen on most machines, the variable speeds make it safer to use and less frustrating for anyone learning the craft. Win / win.

In fact, the MOD-30 sewing machine is jam packed with other features, too, including a professional 7-piece feed dog that will help your child keep their fabric straight and a locking stitch button, which will save them having to back stitch themselves.

At just 12.7lbs, the weight is pretty manageable and the performance is first class. Although you’ll likely be setting the machine to slow when your child is in front of it, if you want to grab the controls you’ll be able to whizz along at up 820 stitches per minute. Not bad at all.

Stitch quality is good as well, with nicely balanced results. Somewhat disappointingly, given the fact that this is a computerized model, the Janome MOD-30 only comes with, you guessed it, 30 built-in stitches. 

Sure, this will likely be enough, but as I’ve touched on already, kids do like to operate on a more-the-merrier basis, so a few extra decorative stitches would have been nice. The bobbin winder is excellent, though, so I’m willing to have a little give and take on a couple of stitches.

In the box you’ll find just three extra feet – zipper, buttonhole, and satin stitch – as well as the usual accessory suspects: extra spool pin, spool holders, assorted needle set, seam ripper / buttonhole opener, screwdriver, class 15 bobbins, lint brush, instruction book and dust cover.

All in all, the MOD-30 by Janome is a lovely machine that your little one will be able to grow with and enjoy well into adulthood.

  • Feature rich
  • Includes speed control
  • Nicely weighted
  • Great performance
  • Easy to use, yet complex enough to last
  • Not the cheapest
  • Minimal accessories

Brother CS6000i 

Brother CS6000i

To the Brother CS6000i, a very adult-looking appliance with its simple, plain exterior. Does it stack up as a good beginner sewing machine for kids? Let’s find out, shall we?

Well, I can tell you straight away that it does! This is a lovely machine, and it’s one of the most popular on the market today for sewers of all ages. The price is very reasonable considering what you get, and the performance is great, too…a winning combo in my book!

The Brother CS6000i is ridiculously simple to set up and use. In tune with the minimalist shell, the whole tool is very user-friendly, making it an ideal starting point for any budding sewer. Its weight is borderline heavy for kids, at 13lbs, but it’s not that bad. Certainly manageable for most.

Star of the show here is the variable speed control, and you’ll be pleased it’s there as the CS6000i licks along at 850 stitches per minute at full pelt. The quality of stitches remains the same at all speeds, though, so both you and your little one can enjoy using it without compromising your craft.

Another nice touch is the handy step-by-step diagrams for threading that are printed on top of the machine itself. They’re fairly small and unobtrusive, so they don’t interfere with the aesthetics, but they will serve as a handy reminder of how to go through the process for those learning the ropes. A definite tick in the best kid’s sewing machine box!

The Brother CS6000i has 60 built in stitches to play around with and selecting them is simple thanks to the very straightforward stitch selector, which is operated by four plus / minus buttons. Some of the decorative stitches included are fantastic and certain to get that young creative mind racing.

In terms of accessories, the Brother CS6000i stands up, too. The appliance ships with a very healthy selection of presser feet…nine in total! These obviously include the ever-present general-purpose foot, but alongside that you’ll also receive a button fitting foot, walking foot, monogramming foot, zipper foot, zigzag foot, buttonhole foot, overcasting foot, blindstich foot, and a spring action quilting foot. Impressive.

The goodies don’t stop there. Along with all those extra presser feet comes an accessory pouch with a needle set and twin needle, bobbins, seam ripper, cleaning brush, eyelet punch, spool pin, oversized table for quilting, and the ever-handy screwdriver. The CS6000i also ships with a hard protective case, too, which will come in especially hand for those who are going to be travelling to sewing classes.

The only minor quibble is the fact that, despite being billed as a quilting device, the CS6000i doesn’t overly like really thick swathes of fabric. It’ll handle a fair amount, but anything too dense could cause problems. 

At this price point, however, I wouldn’t be overly concerned by this unless you’re buying solely for that purpose, which, I’m guessing, you’re not if you are looking to buy your child’s first sewing machine.

Brother’s CS6000i is a solid choice of sewing machine for girls and boys alike. 

  • Very good value for money
  • Fast, yet controllable, speed
  • Excellent range of accessories
  • Sixty pre-programmed stitch patterns
  • Auto threader is excellent
  • Ridiculously easy to operate
  • Not much!

EverSewn Charlotte

Eversewn Charlotte

Our final entry is bucking the Janome, Brother, SINGER trend…it’s the EverSewn Charlotte.

Possibly the prettiest and sleekest of all our reviewed sewing machines for kids, the EverSewn Charlotte is a bit of a step up in class, yet it is still perfectly suited to those starting out as well as the more experienced sewer.

The polished design serves a dual purpose, in my opinion. First, there’s the obvious…it looks fantastic! Second, it makes a very sophisticated machine look inviting and easy to operate, which it is. This would be a very good device to learn on, but it does come with a heftier price tag.

This appliance zips along at a decent clip, pushing out 850 stitches per minute when going at full speed. Thankfully, our old friend the sliding speed control feature is on hand to slow things right down, which helps those who are learning to sew and those who require a bit more precision.

Changing between the 80 included stitch patterns is simple and the results stunning. The balanced stitching across all settings without too much fiddling about will delight and inspire young and old; it’s one of those machines that’ll have you looking around the house for things to sew!

A decent range of presser feet ship with the Charlotte, seven if you include the all-purpose one connected to the machine when you unbox it. The speciality feet include a zipper, buttonhole, blind hem, satin stitch, button sewing, and overcasting foot. 

Accessories are plentiful, too, with a large spool holder, small spool holder, bobbins, second spool pin, spool pin felt, brush/seam ripper, edge/quilting guide, large and small screwdriver set, and three machine needles all included.

The EverSewn Charlotte is sturdily built and will handle a surprising amount of fabric considering it’s not really a heavy-duty machine. While this will likely not be a factor for your little ones, if you’re buying an appliance that both of you can work on, this may be a clincher.

All in all, this is a lovely machine that will serve both old and young well, although you will have to pay a little more for this than many of the others featured in this best kids sewing machine review roundup.

  • Looks great and is distraction free
  • Nice, solid feel when in use
  • Great stitch library
  • Stitches wonderfully well
  • Good accessory pack
  • Speed control included
  • Capable of completing a range of sewing tasks
  • Pricey
  • Needle threader is a bit tricky to get the hand of

So, who makes the best sewing machine for kids?

It’s a tough call, this one, but I’m going to have to go with an old favorite of mine, the SINGER Stylist 7258.


This is, in my opinion, about as perfect a sewing machine for children as you’ll find anywhere. It’s easy to use, has a load of different stitches to choose from, and it’s got that all important speed control feature, too.

The only downside to buying this sewing machine for a child is its weight. At 14.8lbs, it’s by no means the lightest, but I’d rather have to carry a machine my child uses than buy one they can lift yet gets left in the closet!

The Brother CS6000i was a close runner-up and, at a few bucks cheaper, it remains a decent alternative to the 7258. For those who are looking in the sub-$100 range, the Brother XM2701 is a solid choice, although you will be without that very handy speed control feature.

SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
SINGER | 7258 Sewing & Quilting Machine With Accessory Kit - 203 Stitch...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine, Lightweight, Full Featured, 27 Stitches, 6...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
Brother Sewing and Quilting Machine, CS6000i, 60 Built-in Stitches, 2.0" LCD...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
EverSewn Charlotte: 80-Stitch Computerized, Professional Quilting & Free Motion...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome MOD-30 Computerized Sewing Machine with 30 Built-In Stitches, 3 One-Step...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...
Janome Pink Sorbet Easy-to-Use Sewing Machine with Interior Metal Frame, Bobbin...

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I can vividly remember watching my mother sew and the noise of that old SINGER pounding away as I fiddled about in her sewing basket…learning quickly that there are sharp things lurking beneath that unwound tape measure!

Hopefully, if you invest in one of these great sewing machines for children, you and your child can experience the same joy my mother and I did – without the pin-pricked fingers, of course!

Happy sewing!

read our other sewing machine reviews

It’s not all about the kids here at You Sew And Sew…we’ve got all you adults covered, too! Our review posts will help you find the best sewing machine for your needs, regardless of where you’re at in your sewing journey. Go check them out!

best sewing machine for kids review


  1. Why the young learn more easily | http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6172048.stm
  2. Paula Bernstein | Why Art and Creativity Are Important | https://www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/development/intellectual/why-art-and-creativity-are-important/

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